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Coffee Calculator

Coffee Carbon Calculator

Our coffee carbon footprint calculator is a tool that aims to measure the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced from the cultivation, production, transportation, and preparation of coffee. It is designed to help individuals understand the environmental impact of their coffee consumption and make more sustainable choices.

Tell us about your Coffee

  • - select a option -
  • Espresso
  • Latte
  • Cappuccino
  • Flat White
- select a option -
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  • - select option -
  • Non-Dairy
  • Dairy
- select option -
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0.00 kgCO2e
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Total Emissions

0.00 kgCO2e
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Note: This tool uses data from a news article from the University College London in which to base its calculation.

Carbon Footprint Facts about your Cup of Coffee

CO2 per cup
1 g

Coffee Production: Coffee production is responsible for about 16g of CO2 per cup, accounting for growing, processing, and drying the beans.

kg co2

Daily Impact: If a person in the UK drinks three cups of coffee per day, their annual coffee carbon footprint could be between 50 and 100 kg of CO2, depending on the factors above.

higher co2
1 %

Capsule Impact: Using coffee capsules can result in a higher carbon footprint due to the energy and materials used in their production and the waste they generate. A coffee made from a capsule can have a carbon footprint of up to 50% higher than traditionally brewed coffee.

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