Hotel Stay Carbon Calculator
The Hotel Stay Carbon Calculator is a digital tool designed to calculate the Carbon Emissions associated with a hotel stay. It aims to raise awareness about the environmental impact of travel and accommodation, and to encourage both hotels and guests to make more sustainable choices. It also provides the option, should you wish to offset your carbon emissions for your stay.
Note: This calculator uses the UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting 2023 (or 2021v2, if data is not available) to determine the final carbon emissions. These factors are for an average class of hotel and an average for the specified country.
The conversion factors are provided on a 'room per night' basis and should be applied to each room that is occupied during the stay. A "room per night" is on a per room basis and does not differentiate for number of travellers staying in the room.
Carbon Footprint Facts about your Hotel Stay
Towel Reuse: If every hotel guest in the UK reused their towels instead of having them washed daily, it could save enough water to fill over 270,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools each year. This would also significantly reduce energy use and carbon emissions.
Energy Consumption: According to the Carbon Trust, the UK's hotel sector spends over £1.3 billion on energy each year. This results in the emission of around 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the emissions from over 1.5 million cars.
LED Lights: If a hotel with 100 rooms in the UK replaced all of their incandescent light bulbs with LED lights, they could reduce their carbon emissions by around 80 tonnes per year. That's equivalent to the carbon sequestered by nearly 1,500 tree seedlings grown for 10 years!